Lovelorn et al. played O’Brien’s – 1/18

A monster Thursday night lineup also featuring locals No Nations, Crescent Ridge and Dwelley swept through Allston.


O’Brien’s is often a safe bet if you’re looking to be bowled over by guitars on a random weeknight, but this recent Thursday evening bill really amped things up in that regard.

Formerly of Philly, though I believe they cited Austin or elsewhere as a current home base, Lovelorn anchored the night as the touring guest. The trio – an offshoot of beloved shoegazers Creepoid – specialize in trippy, hazy psych-outs, of which they showcased a number of new ones during their hypnotizing set.

As for the rest of the night, some of Boston’s finest names in grunge-gaze and noise rock showed out for a very loud, very good time. No Nations, who closed out the show, were a first-timer for me and more than lived up to the promise of last year’s great Mystical Valley Parkway LP. Scene staples Crescent Ridge and Dwelley also sounded massive, rounding out yet another slam dunk on Harvard Ave. Scroll for photos from the whole affair below.